Sunday, July 1, 2007


On Saturday night after singing in two more categories during the day we all made our way to the venue for the announcement of the winners. We were all very thrilled for Ella and the girls when they won silver awards in each of the four classes they had entered. So it was tired but very happy group that returned rather late to the hostel that night.

On Sunday we participated in a concert in the town of Chrudim about 15 minutes drive south of Pardubice. It is a very pretty town with an interesting historic centre including a plague statue in the middle of the square like Pardubice. The present church , in neo gothic style (thanks Mr Butts we are on to the styles) dates from the 11th century. We had a discussion with our hosts about the history and the oppression of the Hapsburgs was mentioned with particular distaste - dating back to this time. Other more recent aggressors were not mentioned.

The Seraphim Choir sang in the church with two other choirs and by special request sang Kihi Kihi on the church steps. We then had time to eat our packed lunches and look round the town before spending time in the famous and very interesting puppet museum. Unfortunately I can't upload photos on this computer or I would put in a lovely shot of some of the girls using the puppets in the interactive area to do the lonely goatherd from the Sound of Music.

We returned to Pardubice for a walk around the castle and historic town centre. All the students and staff went to the top of the green tower to get a good view of the area - with some overcoming their fear of heights or at least pushing the limits a little further.

The girls met their billets with some being hosted by students they hosted last year. We are all going on a surprise outing today - as a Geographer I am think it will be great and hopefully the students for whom it is still a surpirise will think so too.